Board Policies Manual


This Board Policy Handbook was developed to support the important governance function of the Charter Board of Directors (“the Board”). The policies express the principles by which the Board governs by guiding and monitoring Valhalla Community School (“the School”). Policies reflect the Board’s values, define important objectives, and create a framework for the Superintendent to administer the operations of the School. Further, the Board requires that any new provincial or local policy initiatives must be brought first to the Board for discussion and determination of decision-making authority.

The Board Policy Handbook is supplemented by an Administrative Procedures Manual by which the Superintendent directs the administration of the school to achieve the goals and results expressed in these policies. The Board delegates to the Superintendent both authority and responsibility for the Administrative Procedures Manual which must be entirely consistent with this Board Policy Handbook.

The development of two separate and distinct documents is meant to reinforce the distinction between the Board’s responsibility for governance and the  superintendent’s responsibility for executive and administrative duties pursuant to the Education Act s. 33(j)


  • In these policies the Board of the Foundation is referred to as “the Charter School Board of Directors” or “the Board” or “the Charter Board” and its members as “Board Members” or “the Directors.”
  • The Valhalla Community School is referred to as “VCS” or “the School” or “the Charter School.”
  • The staff of the Foundation is referred to as “the staff” or “the  employees”.